Prof. Dr. Tim Conrad
Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok
Prof. Dr. Christof Schütte
Projekt Mitglieder:
Nada Cvetkovic
Martin Genzel
Laufzeit: -
Freie Universität Berlin
/ Technische Universität Berlin
Tumor diseases rank among the most frequent causes of death in Western countries coinciding with an incomplete understanding of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms and a lack of individual treatment options. Hence, early diagnosis of the disease and early relapse monitoring are currently the best available options to improve patient survival. In this project, we aim for the identification of disease specific sets of biological signals that reliably indicate a disease outbreak (or status) in an individual. Such biological signals (e.g. proteomics or genomics data) are typically very large (millions of dimensions), which significantly increases the complexity of algorithms for analyzing the parameter space or makes them even infeasible. However, these types of data usually exhibit a very particular structure, and at the same time, the set of disease specific features is very small compared to the ambient dimension. Such a high-dimensional setting naturally calls for the application of the concept of sparse classifiers, which has been extensively studied in the fields of compressed sensing and statistical learning during the last decade. Our research focuses on both algorithmic improvements of available methods as well as theoretical results such as recovery guarantees for general data models.