Members of Matheon are participating in the organization and implementation of teacher education which are funded by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung in collaboration with the Matheon.
Those teacher training activities developed here are linked and coordinated together with the educational offers of DZLM (German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education) in the project ZE2.
The focus of the project ZE2 is to establish a nationwide initiative for teacher training in the subject of mathematics. This involves devising and providing teacher training modules which are accessible throughout Germany. A secondary school teacher (mathematics or specialized methodology of mathematics) and a member of the teaching staff trained in school practice are the experts for these modules. The entire training offer of DZLM can be viewed here.
Colleagues in the field can use also the offers for teacher training from
If you have further questions regarding Teacher Trainings, Dipl.-Math. Sebastian Tappert would be pleased to help: If you have further questions regarding Teacher Trainings, Dipl.-Math. Sebastian Tappert would be pleased to help:Dipl.-Math. Sebastian Tappert
Tel.: +49 (0)30 2093 - 5446