In our daily lives, we are surrounded by high-tech: we use smartphones and computers to network with the world, move by car, train or plane,
benefit from highly developed medical devices and drugs, amuse us with animated cinema films and much more.
Without mathematics, all this would not be possible. Mathematics provides an important basis for innovation and scientific progress in the
areas that shape our future: from life and health sciences to new ways of storing, processing and transmitting data to new concepts and
materials for sustainable energy supply.
Mathematics is everywhere.
And it is more exciting and closer to life than often thought.
This is our message from
Matheon, where scientists have been conducting outstanding research in application-oriented mathematics for 15 years. In close cooperation with colleagues from other disciplines and partners in industry.
We invite you to discover this fascinating world.
For representatives of the media
- We connect you to experts from the pool of our approximately 200 scientists for telephone interviews or personal encounters.
- We can arrange a visit to our participating institutes.
- We provide you with information about Matheon:
On our web pages, where you will find press releases as well as other news from Matheon, including the Number of the Week and the Head of
the Month, with brochures and also in a personal conversation.
For the public
- We will give you exciting lectures from the world of mathematics.
- We provide you with information material about Matheon and application-oriented mathematics.
- We have a wide range of events for students, which you can explore in our school section of the website.
- We are currently informing about further events.