Former Chair, Prof. Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin), will be member of the Executive Board, as well as Prof. Michael Hintermüller (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), HU Berlin), Prof. Konrad Polthier (FU Berlin) and Prof. Caren Tischendorf (HU Berlin). Staff Deputy is Dr. Dirk Peschka (WIAS). Prof. Jürg Kramer (HU Berlin), Prof. Wolfgang König (TU Berlin, WIAS) and Prof. Alexander Mielke (HU Berlin, WIAS) were elected as Permanent Guests.
„This Board represents all the five Berlin institutions which jointly carry Matheon, as well as the broad scientific spectrum which characterizes our work“, says Skutella. "Personally, I am grateful for the confidence that has been expressed to me by the election, and I am looking forward to the new task of shaping the future of this unique research facility decisively."
Since its inception as DFG Research Center in 2002, Matheon has a firm place among the world leaders of application driven mathematics. With its unique construction across boundaries of universities and research institutions, it bundles the excellent Berlin research in mathematics for key technologies and has established itself as an important partner for the interdisciplinary research as well as for the industry. Since 2014, the Matheon is supported by the Berlin Einstein Foundation via the Einstein Centre for Mathematics (ECMath). In the end of May 2016, the application for the second funding period 2017-2019 was submitted.
Outlook Excellence Initiative
By rejuvenating its head, the Research Center Matheon also sends a signal towards the coming round of the Excellence Initiative. "To position us here as Berlin Mathematics with all our strengths, is one of the priority tasks of the coming months and years", says Prof. Skutella. "A key to success is the fruitful cooperation of the entire Berlin Mathematics and the governing bodies of the participating institutions which is characterized by trust and mutual respect."
The outgoing Chair Prof. Volker Mehrman can look back on a very successful and eventful eight-year term: "After twelve prolific years as DFG Research Center, Matheon succeeded to secure funds for the excellent application driven Berlin mathematics from the Einstein Foundation in 2014. This enabled us to continue our fruitful scientific work successfully, but also at least some of the tasks in the direction of education and public that have always been of special importance to us, as the Matheon advent calendar for students", says Mehrmann. "These successes were only possible through close collaboration across institutional boundaries. I wish the Matheon and his new management team a lot of momentum and inspiration for the challenges ahead, and that this team spirit will remain."