Prof. Dr. Rupert Klein
Prof. Dr. Frank Schmidt
Projekt Mitglieder:
Dr. Sven Burger
Dr. Martin Hammerschmidt
Laufzeit: -
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin
Artificial photosynthesis and water splitting, i.e. the sustainable production of chemical fuels like hydrogen and carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide, has the potential to store the abundance of solar energy that reaches the earth in chemical bonds. Fundamental in this process is the conversion of electromagnetic energy. In photoelectrochemical water splitting semiconductor materials are employed to generate electron hole pairs with sufficient energy to drive the electrochemical reactions. In this project we investigate the use of metallic nanoparticles to excite plasmonic resonances by means of numerical simulations. These resonances localize electromagnetic nearfields which is beneficial for the electrochemical reactions. We develop electromagnetic models and numerical methods to facilite in depth analysis of these processes in close contact with our collaboration partners within the ECMath and the joint lab ``Berlin Joint Lab for Optical Simulation for renewable Energy research''
(BerOSE) between the ZIB, FU and HZB.