Matheon - the mission
Climate change, aging populations, growing cities – our society is faced with major challenges, whether it be health care, energy supply, safety and
transport infrastructure, or the training of specialists.
Scientific challenges
Advances in key technologies such as biotechnology, micro- and optoelectronics or information and communication technologies, including the
visualization of complex correlations, are the driving force behind innovation in these areas.
Research and development are confronted with ever-shorter innovation cycles, increasingly complex technological systems and increasing
demands on the quality of industrial products.
Matheon-mathematics opens up new ways
Mathematics is a key factor in making these developments successful in the future. With its approach of application-oriented, interdisciplinary
and collaborative research, the Berlin research center
Matheon has been a world-leading driving force for 15 years. Because:
Matheon makes mathematics for key technologies
Under the motto: "Innovation requires flexibility. Flexibility needs abstraction. The language of abstraction is mathematics."
With its ability to create flexible models, as well as to develop simulation and optimization techniques, it opens up new opportunities to
master the growing complexity, to react quickly to changing conditions and to find new ways of solving problems.
Thus, mathematics is much more than a language: mathematics creates value in form of theoretical knowledge, efficient algorithms and optimal solutions.
The mission of Matheon
Matheon's mission is to strengthen the role of mathematics in key technologies and to intensify the collaboration between mathematics, industry,
technology development and society. With its creative, interdisciplinary and collaborative research,
Matheon is a motor for innovation – both, in
industry and in various fields of science, as well as in mathematics itself. For that, the promotion and training of young people in academia and
in schools as well as a vivid exchange with the public are also of great importance.
Excellent Berlin research collaboration
In order to achieve these goals, excellent mathematicians from three Berlin universities (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
and the Technische Universität Berlin) and from the two research institutes WIAS (Weierstrass-Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics) and ZIB
(Zuse Institute Berlin) have joined forces. They have been a sought-after partner of scientific colleagues from other research areas and industry for 15 years.
Financed by the Einstein Foundation Berlin – in the frame of Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin ECMath – and other third party funding Matheon fosters
- High-risk projects. They aim at a technological breakthrough by tackling a level of complexity that is well ahead of what can be handled today.
- Mixed-consortia projects. They coordinate innovation-oriented applied research for several partners from industry, application fields, and Matheon.
- Technology and innovation transfer from Matheon into the application fields of both, other scientific disciplines and business.
- Activities to make modern mathematics from application-oriented research accessible for pupils and teachers as well as for a broader public.
Quality of Matheon-research
With all of this, the highest quality standards apply. They are, amongst others, guaranteed by the
Matheon committees during annual scientific evaluations.